Art on Fridays: Important Info

Fantastic art opportunities coming up Friday, December 4, and Friday, December 11, both at 6:00 PM MST! We don’t want you to miss out on these amazing artists who are donating their time to inspire and empower our community with their art! There are materials you need to gather to be ready for these sessions.

Takiyah Harris is the founder of the Black De’VIA/Black Art page on Facebook. She is a haptic artist and a fine art photographer with degrees from Governors State University, Southern Illinois University, and National Technical Institute for the Deaf/Rochester Institute of Technology. Takiyah’s workshop, “Equality Teamwork,” is a lesson in collage art inspired by the work of Jacob Lawrence.

Here is a list of the materials you will need to get ready for this session:


Canvas: 11×14 or bigger, Paint, Brushes, Glue: Elmers or Tacky, Construction Paper, Textured wrapping paper, Patterned paper, Felt, Scissors, Beads, Hot Glue, Stickers

To register for “Equality Teamwork” with Takiyah, please fill out the form at (If you have already filled out this form for other sessions, you do not need to fill it out again.)

Conservatory ASL Northwest is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: De’VIA Connect – Takiyah – Equality Teamwork
Time: Dec 4, 2020 06:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 882 3233 0247
Passcode: 074394

Christina Rothe is a multi-media artist, born in Hamburg, Germany and raised from infancy in Lagos, Nigeria where her life’s journey was imprinted in deep and profound ways. She now calls the United States home and lives in Washington State. Her technique of working with threads evolved over many years inspired by the African artist FAB – Adebisi Fabunmi. Christina is the creator of the One Heart Call Project currently on display at the Paris Gibson Square Museum of Art.

In the One Heart Call Connect workshop, Christina will share her inspiration and some of her techniques for the One Heart Call. She has generously donated kits for this session. C.A.N. will ship kits to participants beyond the Great Falls area if they register by Friday, December 4. For those in Great Falls, arrangements can be made for pick-up or delivery.

If you are not able to obtain a kit, you may still participate by gathering the following materials:

For the Lantern: two 6″ tall cardboard paper strips,

one 12″ long and the other 8″ long

For the inside of the Lantern if wanted: two 6″ tall cardboard

paper strips, one  12″ long and the other 8″ long.

1 Wax wish candle

1 Battery-powered candle

MOD Podge

Glue Stick


4 Tissue paper strips


Needle, push-pin, and thread

Variety of small beads



Neon colored pencils



Tempera paint and brush

Many colors of embroidery floss

Sharp scissors for paper and thread

Pencil Sharpener

Small, clean container (like yogurt container or small glass jar)

Small bottle of Elmer’s Glue (Preferably transparent)

to seal threads



Scotch Tape

X-acto knife

Lighter for candle

Double sided tape


To register for the One Heart Call Connect workshop and receive your kit, register HERE.

Conservatory ASL Northwest is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: One Heart Call Connect Workshop
Time: Dec 11, 2020 06:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 885 7265 8225
Passcode: 933263