Fun Finish to a Wonderful Week!

Art, drama, language, science, and great connections abounded during C.A.N.’s impromptu Zoom Chat sessions. An even more exciting product??? We are now planing to host more sessions and even start some sessions for adults!!

To finish up this great week of connecting, the plan for today WAS art, but we are moving that to tomorrow! So for today (Friday – November 6) at 4:00, please join us for great conversations and games including “Take-off Travel”!

Tomorrow (Saturday – November 7) Liz will again join us to teach a drawing lesson and maybe crochet?! (Be ready with yarn and hook. Smile!)

If you want to join us, please fill out the consent form at, and we will send you the Zoom codes.

If you are interested in future Zoom sessions, subscribe to C.A.N.’s updates at

If you have questions or suggestions for future sessions, please email us at